Manuel Rosa,João Móra,Ana Vasconcelos,Henrique Vasconcelos,Inês Campos,卡塔里娜·瓦斯康塞洛斯,José Manuel Mendes,João Pedro Mamede,Cláudia Varejão,Luísa Ministro,José Maria Rosa,Ana Margarida Vasconcelos,José Vasconcelos,João Vasconcelos,Nuno Vasconcelos,Pedro Ferna
男人如海,远飏漂浪;女人是树,荫蔽家园。这是一则反溯家族记忆的私密创作,从最初两人的深情往复书简,顺此而成的生命诞造,以及其后伴怀自然、温柔照料的哺育子女。在女人温柔如巨树分枝的照料之下,孩子如鸟,学习飞翔,体会那苍穹万物。但在巨树倒下的一刻,雏鸟被迫变形成长,从此在漫长失亲的岁月里,想念至亲、凭悼失落的自己。 以印象派画风为骨干,佐以16mm 胶卷的有机颗粒影像,新锐导演瓦斯康丝勒借着家族物件、亲录原声,与戏剧式的重建演出,爬梳家族父执辈几尽失落的记忆。她邀请家人亲身参与演出,对应不同人声的旁白,以音划分离营造出想像空间,让全片在深刻幽微的生命沉思下,拥有轻盈的流动感,组成一出构图如画、探讨永恒的喧嚣疗愈之作。
约翰内斯·昆科,丽莎·洛文·孔斯利,Clara Wettergren,Vincent Wettergren,克里斯托弗·海维尤,Fanni Metelius,Karin Myrenberg,布拉迪·科贝特,Johannes Moustos,Jorge Lattof,Adrian Heinisch,Michael Breitenberger,Karl Pincon,Julie Roumogoux,Peter Gaunt,Jakob Granqvist
阿尔卑斯山滑雪佳地,一瑞典家庭在就餐时遇到了雪崩,丈夫托马斯只顾自己逃命不救妻孥,引发了家庭危机…… 一个瑞典家庭来到了法国的阿尔卑斯山区度假。当天风和日丽,景色无比养眼,然而当他们在山脚下的一个餐馆用餐时,一场突如其来的雪崩打破了这一切。游客们四处逃窜,母亲艾芭叫喊着她的丈夫托马斯的名字,试图保护他们的孩子。然而没想到的是,托马斯却在慌乱之下抛妻弃子,自顾着逃命去了……尽管最终躲过了雪崩,但这一家人的关系却出现了巨大的裂痕。托马斯究竟怎么样才能挽回妻子的心,并且在孩子们的心目中重塑他的威信?
Edwin S. Nichols III,Austin New,Royce Boswell,Shayla Bagir,Richard Dodwell,拉里·杰克·唐森,Carl Bailey,Everett Ray Aponte,Wes Riddle,Vincent James Prendergast,Kenny Peters,Landon Guyton,Kevin Kinkade,Bill Frost,Hevin Hampton
影片根据真实事件改编,讲述了发生在男孩Shilo Gibson身上的故事。1965年9月17日,原本是一个宁静的夜晚,而Shilo的父亲回到家里,与往常一样喝的烂醉,并对Shilo拳脚相加,而那时他还只是一个孩子,在好心邻居的帮助下,Shilo得到了帮助。二十二年后,Shilo已经长成一个健康的年轻人,庆幸的是,他并没有受到父亲的影响而变得懦弱,相反,他勇敢而勤劳,可是在他的心中仍有一块石头,他必须继续成长,使自己得到真正的救赎。
多米尼克·普罗沃斯特-切克利,杰西卡·克拉克,桑德拉·梅·弗兰克,卡林·詹姆斯,艾米丽·高斯,珍妮尔·玛丽,Laur Allen,Lily Richards,Elana Krausz,Sarah Tubert,Matthew Bridges,Carolyn Ratteray,Jason Boegh,Madison Spencer,Jordan Wellard
众人期待的圣诞节即将来临,而艾瑞斯(多米尼克·普罗沃斯特-切克利 Dominique Provost-Chalkley 饰)也将在不久之后同相恋多年的男友席翁携手步入婚姻的殿堂,此时此刻,她的整个人都沉浸在幸福的气息之中。然而,让她没有想到的是,就在这个节骨眼上,席翁竟然选择了逃婚,艾瑞斯所预设的未来全部都化为了泡影。 在这万般艰难的时刻,好在有朋友们陪伴在艾瑞斯的身边,其中就有席翁的表姐麦道尔(杰西卡·克拉克 Jessica Clark 饰)。对于艾瑞斯的遭遇,麦道尔实际上是有一点点幸灾乐祸的,因为她一直默默的喜欢着艾瑞斯,如今的情况让她对这段本来无望的爱情重新燃起了希望。
保罗·卡奥拉,布莱特·舒伏德,Tom Gualtieri,Kevin Duda,Nikki Ghisel,Bill Saunders,Justin Bannister,Michael Bannister,Terence Primus,Sarah Chen,Bethany Nelson,Justine Brown,Marcus Peterson,Kate Forsatz,Joseph H. Moscato
两个男人梦幻的一生在淡淡音乐和旁白中如清泉流淌:他们曾热恋甜蜜,也曾争吵任性;抚养家庭,并肩走过顺境逆境;直到老得走不动了,躺在一起溘然长逝......而当这样的梦境与不如人意的现实发生强烈冲撞,莎士比亚的名句“真爱之路从不曾是坦途”才愈加体现出说服力。导演在短短15分钟里赋予了这部短片 《飞屋历险记》的神韵, 《枕边人》已在一百多个电影节上展映,并获得多个最佳短片奖,深深打动了观众的心。
Michelle Taylor,Kurt Tocci,Michael Leavy,Jenna Parker,James Vincent Boland,Marrick Smith,Rachel Elizabeth Nelson,Summer Moran,John Herron,Greg DiCostanzo,Carolyn Cannizzaro,Phil Buccigrossi,Briann Baker,Nick Gerrity,William Harden,Jenny Kelly,Sal Volpe,Er
Jen McPherson,Michelle Ehlen,Keye Chen
Unable to make progress with her ex-lesbian conversion path, a neurotic "All American" Jill tracks down her butch ex-girlfriend Jamie to prove to herself that she is no longer attracted to her. Strung along by guilt and desire, Jamie agrees to the preposterous plan of "dating" Jill so that Jill can close this chapter of her life and move forward with men. Meanwhile, David and Lola compete for the affections of José , a sexually ambiguous and seductive man from Brazil, and they compare notes on their differing opinions of his sexuality. As complications arise with Jill and Jamie's relationship, Jill starts to see José as her ticket out. However, when the love triangles shift and realign, Jamie has her own identity crisis that she is ill-equipped to handle. A mix of over-the-top comedy, sharp wit, and pathos, "Heterosexual Jill" rides the edge of laughter and pain, desire and repression, and explores the complicated attachment to one's sense of self in the face of love.
路易·曼迪勒,David Kinsman,Richard Roy Sutton,François Mequer,Joel Lacoursiere,Emily Stranges,Justin Bigelli,Robert Nolan,Astrida Auza,Saffron Cassaday,Vincent Ceus,Richard Collier,Danesh Hanbury,Minh Le,Jean-Michel Montanary
Jake Lamar曾经是个好的警察。以NICK命名的波斯顿警察局以他的杰出谈判技巧为骄傲,现在Jake成为了他自己的影子。一个悲剧使他放弃了谈判家的工作,成为了新人培训员。 一天早晨,Jake起床的时候在自己的房子里发现自己脸对脸地面对2个持枪的歹徒。因为他的聋哑女儿在楼上睡觉,Jake尽全力保持镇静面对危险的境地。他迅速地认识到2个歹徒并没有乱翻他的屋子,并且对钱并不感兴趣。绑架者对他很了解,并精心地策划这次行动很长时间了。当Jake尽力找出他们的真实目的时,一个心理对抗发生了。2歹徒慢慢地揭露了他们的意图,为了揭露一个政治阴谋,Jake是他们达到目的的钥匙,利用他的专门技能和警察的门路去揭露藏在阴谋后面,徘徊在这所城市的人。 Jake利用他的谈判技巧想要去解决这个事态,并不伤及任何人生命。紧张的情况逐渐升级当Jake不能说服绑架者停止他的行为,并且决定反击。因为他的女儿和无辜人的生命掌握在他的手上,Jake会尽自己所能去阻止2个匪徒。
Ali Arslan,Ilker Arslan,Anastasia Baranova,Dani Barker,John Beck,Beat Billson,David Blanka,Juan Bravo Jr.,Wesley Braxton,Don Bridges,Kevin Byrd,朱迪特·巴多斯,Ken Campbell,Josh Christensen,John Cianciolo,Josh Collins,Mace Coronel,露辛达·科尔登,娜塔丽·维多利亚,保罗·沃伦,巴德·沃森
哈里·贾维斯,Makir Ahmed,乔治·索纳,Connor Catchpole,Billy Dumore,Katie Lambert,Lauren Tetteh,Conor Mannion,贾斯珀·莱文,Jack Smith,Frankie Clarence,Amin Ali,Nicholas Bejamin,Robert Poole,Daniel Homes,Juan Duenas,Salem Khazali,Kane Lincoln,哈里森·奥斯特菲尔德 Harrison Osterfield
In the aggressive and often hostile world of youth grass roots football Adam (17) faces an ultimatum from the team captain (Mike) when they discover Adam's best friend Tom is gay.
Luna Arzoni,Nicolas Bachmann,Egon Betschart,Soumeya Ferro-Luzzi,Morgane Ferru,Roberto Garieri,Julia Glaus,Liana Hangartner,Peter Jecklin,Gabriel Noah Maurer,Dashmir Ristemi,Isaka Sawadogo,Michèle Schaub-Jackson,Florin Schmidig,Viola von Scarpatetti
Ten directors of a new generation of filmmakers tell how differently people in Switzerland cope with the worst imaginable disaster; the fact of being dependent on other countries.
大卫·爱登堡,格蕾塔·通贝里,Michael E. Mann,James Hansen,Sunita Narain,Mark Maslin,Andrew Shepherd,Peter Stott,Richard Black,Richard Lazarus,Catherine Mitchell,Naomi Oreskes,Tim Lenton,Colette Pichon Battle,Sarabpal Bhatia
Sir David Attenborough is to present and narrate a new landmark film, Climate Change: The Facts for BBC One. The documentary will provide an urgent look at the science of climate change and the potential solutions to this global threat, combining footage that reveals the already devastating impact of climate change on our planet with interviews from some of the world’s leading climate scientists. After one of the hottest years on record, climatologists and meteorologists explain the effects of climate change on both the human population and the natural world. Scientists, including Dr James Hansen, Dr Michael Mann and Professor Catherine Mitchell will forensically unpack the science behind the extreme weather conditions of recent years, which have seen unprecedented storms and catastrophic wildfires; as well as detailing how the accelerating rate at which the world’s ice is melting is causing sea level rises, and how deforestation is exacerbating the problem of global warming by adding to CO2 in the atmosphere. The film will deliver an unflinching exploration of what dangerous levels of climate change could mean for human populations, what is likely to happen if global warming exceeds 1.5 degrees and if major reductions in CO2 emissions are not made in the next decade. The documentary looks too at potential solutions, exploring the innovations, technology and actions the world's governments and industries are taking to prevent further warming and showcasing individuals who are creating change at grassroots levels. In the film, Sir David Attenborough says: "In the 20 years since I first started talking about the impact of climate change on our world, conditions have changed far faster than I ever imagined. It may sound frightening but the scientific evidence is that if we have not taken dramatic action within the next decade we could face irreversible damage to the natural world and the collapse of our societies. We're running out of time but there's still hope… I believe that if we better understand the threat we face, the more likely it is that we can avoid such a catastrophic future.”