Heinrich Hargesheimer,Carlheinz Hargesheimer,Martha Staendner,达尼埃尔·于伊耶,Henning Harmssen,Ulrich Hopmann,Joachim Weiler,Eva-Maria Bold,Hiltraud Wegener,Ulrich von Thüna,Ernst Kutzinski,Karl Bodenschatz,Heiner Braun,Georg Zander,Lutz Grubnau,若阿内斯·巴尔斯基,保罗·埃塞尔
The subtitle of Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet’s first feature, from 1965, “Only Violence Helps Where Violence Reigns,” suggests the fierce political program evoked by their rigorous aesthetic. The pretext of the film, set in Cologne, is Heinrich Böll’s novel “Billiards at Half Past Nine,” which they strip down to a handful of stark events and film with a confrontational angularity akin to Bartók’s music that adorns the soundtrack. The subtlest of cues accompany the story’s complex flashbacks. The middle-aged Robert Fähmel tells a young hotel bellhop of persecutions under the Third Reich; his elderly father, Heinrich, an architect famed for a local abbey, recalls the militarism of the First World War, when his wife, Johanna, incurred trouble for insulting the Kaiser. A third-generation Fähmel is considering architecture, just as the exiled brother of Robert’s late wife, returns, only to be met by their former torturer, now a West German official taking part in a celebratory parade of war veterans. Straub and Huillet make the layers of history live in the present tense, which they judge severely. The tamped-down acting and the spare, tense visual rhetoric suggest a state of moral crisis as well as the response—as much in style as in substance—that it demands.
Astrid Ofner,Ursula Ofner,Hans Diehl,Kurt Radeke,Michael Maassen,赖纳·菲利普,Werner Rehm,Lars Studer,Stephan Wolf-Schönburg,Albert Hetterle,Mario di Mattia,迈克尔·柯尼希,利布加特·施瓦茨
Gianni Buscarino,Angela Nugara,Vittorio Vigneri
一如他曾把卡夫卡小說幾乎「抽象」化,也把巴哈女士日記拍得如此地貼近音樂而非文字,Straub的這種風格,除了執拗地延續像MoulletGarrel這些新浪潮好友的「極簡」手法之外,也算是為自己的「藝術」捍衛的極高體現。 看來,我還得回頭去看一下Pedro Costa為「我們時代的電影」系列,為這兩夫妻拍的那一集吧,或許,我才真正能向他們更靠近一些(到底是Costa像他們而找他拍,還是Costa本身確實受到兩夫妻的影響,而得到真髓,所以找來對他們最有研究的創作者來拍呢?這我們就不得而知了)?
Franco Fortini,达尼埃尔·于伊耶,让-马里·斯特劳布
81-year-old master, Jean-Marie Straub, once again invents and surprises with his latest film. Kommunisten consists of six parts, five of which have been taken from his earlier works. Straub does not aim to be self-reverential, but instead wants to make different blocks (of text, time, and languages) clash so as to highlight invisible elements of feelings and politics. It is a film about human adventure, from the past century to the one ahead. In this project, all the things that the films of Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet have been based on for the past fifty years, find their most raw and recent form.
Christian Heinisch,Nazzareno Bianconi,马里奥·阿多夫,劳拉·贝蒂,哈伦·法罗基
威廉姆·伯格,Georg Brintrup,霍华德·沃侬
The subject of Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub’s Der Tod des Empedokles (The Death of Empedocles, 1987) is the Greek pre-Socratic philosopher Empedocles (c. 490 BC – 430 BC), who lived in the Greek colony of Agrigentum in Sicily. His theories are mentioned in several of Plato’s dialogues. He maintained that all matter is made up of four irreducible elements: water, earth, air and fire. A mystic and a poet, he is considered to be the founder of classical rhetoric. He is also thought to be the last Greek philosopher to write in verse; two fragments of his works survive: Katharmoi (Purifications) and Peri Phuseôs (On Nature). An advocate of democracy, he came into conflict with his fellow citizens of Agrigentum and, as result, was banished with his young disciple, Pausanius. When he was asked to return, he preferred to commit suicide by throwing himself into the active volcano at Mount Aetna. The German writer Friedrich Hölderlin wrote two versions of Der Tod des Empedokles in 1798 and 1800, and a final third version in 1820, all three ultimately unfinished. They were conceived as five-act tragedies and all three differ in plot. According to Michael Hamburger, Hölderlin’s English-language translator, the main reason why Hölderlin finished no version of the play must be that he remained too closely identified with Empedocles, at the very period in his life when his own view of the poet as philosopher, prophet and priest – and as tragic hero – was subject to perpetual crisis and re-examination. Huillet-Straub’s The Death of Empedocles is based on Hölderlin’s first version (the longest of the three), whereas Black Sin is based on the third version.
麦斯·米科尔森,尼古拉·雷·卡斯,罗兰·默勒,古斯塔夫·林德,尼可拉斯·布若,拉尔斯·博格曼,雅各布·豪伯格·罗曼,艾伯特·鲁德贝克·林哈特,蒙坦·瑟贝尔,Jesper Groth,丽克·路易丝·安德森,Jesper Ole Feit Andersen,古斯塔夫·代克尔吉塞,Andrea Heick Gadeberg,Rigmor Ranthe,Henrik Noël Olesen,卡斯帕·威尔伯格,克劳斯·赫朱勒,赖沃·特拉斯,Anne Fletting
《库尔斯克》的故事聚焦2000年俄罗斯核潜艇“库尔斯克”沉没事件。彼时进行作战训练的库尔斯克号艇内鱼雷自爆,118位船员全部罹难。事件也成了历史上最严重的潜水艇事故。 俄罗斯库尔斯克号核潜艇是当时世界最先进、最大的战术核潜艇之一,专门用来攻击航空母舰,曾被媒体誉为“航母终结者”。像“泰坦尼克”号超级油轮一样,库尔斯克号核潜艇也曾经被认为是“永不沉没”的潜艇。
十九世纪中期,意大利正处在奥匈帝国水深火热的统治中。为了解放祖国,轻骑兵上教安吉罗(奥利维•马丁内兹 Olivier Martinez 饰)密谋发动暴动推翻殖民统治,然而却因计划外漏而不得不流亡法国。因为儿时好友的出卖,安吉罗在法国受到了奥地利间谍的追杀。逃亡中的安吉罗无意闯进了法国的一个瘟疫区,那里哀鸿遍野,人们近乎疯狂。当地人认为是安吉罗投的毒药,安吉罗无端又成了追捕的对象。 一天,安吉罗无意中从屋顶掉到了一间阁楼里,偶遇了与丈夫失散了的女子宝林娜(朱丽叶•比诺什 Juliette Binoche 饰)。得知宝林娜现在处境艰难时,安吉罗决心帮助她找回她的丈夫。当他们在疫区穿行时,宝林娜不幸身染疫症……
让-皮埃尔·利奥德,克洛德·雅德,芭芭拉勒琪,达妮埃尔·吉拉尔,丹尼尔·塞卡尔迪,达尼埃尔·布朗热,皮埃尔·马格隆,克洛德·韦加,菲利普·莱奥塔尔,雅克·里斯帕尔,Jacques Jouanneau,比利·卡恩斯,Jacques Robiolles,Pierre Fabre,Guy Piérauld,Yvon Lec,Claire Duhamel,Marcel Berbert
本片是特吕弗著名的“安托万系列”的第四部。 25岁的安东尼(让-皮埃尔·利奥德 Jean-Pierre Léaud 饰)与克里斯汀(克劳迪·贾德 Claude Jade 饰)结了婚,并在自家楼下开了一家深得左邻右舍喜欢的小花店,日子虽然平常,却也充满 小忧伤与小甜蜜。阴差阳错,他在水利公司谋得一份差事,工作中结识冷艳的日本女子Kyoko(Hiroko Berghauer)后,他被对方身上的异国情调深深吸引,两人坠入爱河,不久他与克里斯汀分居。但与东方美人一起生活时,巨大文化差异令他日益思念克里斯汀。
古斯塔夫·林德,托马斯·冯·布罗姆森,Molly Nutley,Aliette Opheim,约翰·维德伯格,艾文·艾哈迈德,Vanna Rosenberg,Trolle Rhodin,Agneta Ehrensvärd,Marta Oldenburg,Reuben Sallmander,Livia Millhagen,查理·古斯塔弗森,Tommy Alfredsson,Wilma Andersson,Mathias Bengtsson,Alexi Carpentieri,Simon Eriksson,M
Young university student Hugo (Gustav Lindh) falls in love with promising violinist Agnes (Evin Ahmad), but something happens that changes his life completely. Moving on, the story turns into a romantic drama-comedy with great portions of humour and warmth, as Hugo ends up at Circus Margôt and is drawn into that absorbing existence.
米卡埃尔·佩斯布兰特,萨巴·穆巴拉克,潘妮拉·奥古斯特,杰森·弗莱明,伦纳特·胡尔斯特罗姆,Aleksandr Nosik,雷·费隆,彼得·安德森,古斯塔夫·汉马斯顿,Dan Ekborg,大卫·丹席克,里奥·格雷高里,Fanny Risberg,丽芙·姆琼斯,凯文·麦克纳利,Cedric Proust,Peter Gardiner,泰瑞·卡特,桑德拉·安德雷伊斯,Anna Lindmarker,Anders Ahlbom,亚历山德拉·阿莱格伦,乌尔夫·弗里贝格,Tommy Sporrong
本片被称为瑞典版007,男主角主演的《更好的世界》曾获得83届奥斯卡最佳外语片大奖。 瑞典情报官员卡尔·汉密尔顿(米克尔·佩斯勃兰特 Mikael Persbrandt 饰),打入一个偷了瑞典先进的GPS制导导弹的国际犯罪团伙,这伙亡命雇佣军绑架了一名瑞典武器技术专家,并收到了一个不明身份客户组织的命令,准备发动一次致命的攻击。虽然汉密尔顿暴露了身份并逃脱了团伙的追杀,但导弹和专家都已经失去了踪迹。不久,被盗的武器之一出现在索马里的恐怖袭击事件中,一名和平政治家被杀害。在瑞典首相承诺的情况下,政府同意聘请一家私人保安公司完成救援任务,汉密尔顿作为瑞典政府观察员随行。显然,这是一项极度危险的任务,汉密尔顿要从索马里的荒芜沙漠,一路追踪到阿曼的街头巷战,以及斯德哥尔摩群岛的丛林+水艇战,在国家利益面前,他必须经历陆、海、空三种激战前所未有的挑战......