Kim Dong - sik, a securities company employee, feels an inferiority when his wife 's business succeeds, and her position in the home becomes blurred and gradually wanders. With this escape from wandering, the hostess will have extramarital affairs. Then, when his character is indecisive, he will have another home with this guidance, and will fall into deeper conflicts and abyss. The wife and the wife of the family share a certain kind of negotiation through the realism of the woman. In the end, he tried to escape from reality and wanted to flee his own pit himself and be forever forgotten by all.
A melodrama about a man who survives an attempted double suicide with a stranger while picnicing with friends. He goes on a cave expedition for a famous archaeologist where he discovers a skeleton several thousand years old. He meets the spirit of the skeleton in a dream, and then becomes romantically involved with the archeologist's daughter.
某纺织厂的音乐部教师东植对锦川发生的一起杀人事件表示出极大的兴趣。 某天,东植从女工郭善英处收到一封情书,并向舍监告发,善英被工厂开除。曾鼓励善英写信的朋友赵庆熙借着钢琴辅导的契机开始出入东植家。为了贴补家计,东植妻子做了很多裁缝活儿,身体越来越虚弱。东植委托庆熙寻找到一名合适的下女,帮助持家。妻子怀孕回娘家的当下,庆熙借机向东植表达了爱意,却受到辱蔑被撵了出去。这一切都被窗外的下女看到眼里。下女借机诱惑东植,并与之发生了肉体关系。三个月后,下女怀孕。东植的妻子知道真相后,将下女推下楼梯,导致流产。失去孩子的下女怒火中烧,性情开始变得暴烈。结果,下女将东植夫妇俩的孩子也推下楼梯,藏了起来。下女以向工厂曝光所有事实相要挟。为了保住整个家庭,东植将二层的房间让给下女。最后,准备和下女一起吃耗子药自杀的东植看到死在台阶上的下女,毅然抛弃了她,重新回到了妻子身边。这时,电影画面再次回到东植夫妇看着有关那起杀人新闻的画面,东植不禁说道:这样的事情有可能发生在任何一个人的身上。
维拉·法米加,大卫·麦金尼斯,河正宇,马塞林·休格特,特丽莎·拉法切,Becky London,Robert Dahey,杰克逊·佩斯,亚历克斯·马内塔,海缇安·朴,Asa Somers,Lenny Levi,克莱姆·张,Marilyn Torres,李花诗,约瑟夫·德博纳
苏菲(维拉•法梅加 饰)与丈夫安德鲁(大卫•麦金尼斯 饰)深爱彼此,幸福的他们一直想要一个孩子,多年来苏菲都无法怀孕。不忍丈夫痛苦的苏菲一直像借用他人的精子让自己怀孕,一天她在诊所遇到了心中的人选。 被苏菲看中的人叫金志河(河正宇 饰),跟苏菲丈夫一样是名韩国人。由于他非法滞留而被医院拒绝了捐献精子从而得到报酬。 苏菲以300美元每一次的价钱与志河交易,直至苏菲怀孕。没想到两人渐渐产生了感情,与此同时苏菲也发现自己已经怀孕了,并要求不再与志河见面。早已爱上对方的两人饱受相思之苦,苏菲再次出现在了志河的面前,可是好景不长,苏菲的丈夫发现了真相……
Kim Jeong-seok,金素妍,郑涵妃,姜新孝,李花诗
Both critics and audiences have appreciated SHIN Yeon-shick’s films—A Great Actor, Fair Love, The Russian Novel, Rough Play—for his distinctive signature. His new feature The Avian Kind will be part of this year’s Jeonju Digital Project 2014. It is about a writer’s journey to find his missing wife, and this story was also part of his former filmThe Russian Novel. His new film is getting a lot of attention thanks to his unique style of getting the motifs from literature and theatrical plays.