Andrea Benetti,Domenico Benetti,Jacopo Crovella
The winter of 1917, the North-East front, the final clashes of the Great War. An Italian stronghold situated at 1800 metres above sea level, on the Asiago plateau, described in the novels of Mario Rigoni Stern. It’s snowing everywhere; the Austrian trenches are so close that you can hear the enemy soldiers breathing. A hundred years since the outbreak of World War I, maestro Ermanno Olmi describes with Torneranno i prati his vision of a conflict that cost the lives of 16 million human beings, just as it was brought back to him by the memory of his father, called to arms at 19 years of age, to find himself within the bloodbath of Carso and Piave. A drama that scarred his youth and the rest of his life, just like millions of others.
Marco Esposito,Simona Brandalise,Stafania Busarello,Simone Dalla Rosa,Lorenzo Paolini
这部影片由意大利导演Ermanno Olmi执导,是一出“经验 Vs. 天真”的故事。老夫人是人们对一位居住在一座摇摇欲坠的宅邸内的神秘老太太的称呼。六个学徒厨师被召进这座古堡,充任侍者,协助古堡内的一场盛大晚宴。2007年在北京上海两地的“影像中的意大利”电影展中首映。
一个审查员因失手杀人而坐牢,出狱后,他流浪到巴黎。某日,一个陌生人给他200法郎,他起初不想接受这笔钱,因为知道自己还不了。陌生人告诉他,能够归还时就将钱拿到某个教堂交给“小德丽莎”(寓意修女德兰),他才肯把钱收下。其后,他的人生发生了一连串奇妙的变化,他在不停地寻找那个教堂和“小德丽莎”,在此过程中找到了自己的心灵救赎。 本片描写罪人追寻救赎的主题,意识虽然严肃,但导演手法却相当有趣,剧情亦富于想象力,曾获威尼斯电影节金狮奖。