Joey Yusuf Rasdien,David Kau,David Kibuuka
Blitz Patrollie chronicles the adventures of Rummy Augustine (Joey Rasdien) and his partner, Ace Dikolobe (David Kau), police officers who have had the misfortune of being stationed in a little known depot in the belly of the Johannesburg CBD. Rummy is bogged down with trying to start a family and an overbearing mother-in-law who just won't move out. The overzealous Ace, on the other hand, can think of nothing better to do in the morning than to put on his "lucky" bulletproof vest and head out to kick some bad guy ass. Whilst in a poor white neighborhood, trying to solve yet another small-time crime, Rummy and Ace, along with their inept sniper colleagues, accidentally stumble upon a massive drug haul. What ensues is a series of mishaps as the duo encounter some of the city's craftiest crooks in a race against time to catch the bad guys and claim their place in crime fighting glory.
Lorraine Stanley,乔治娅·格洛梅,Johnny Harris,Sam Spruell,亚历山大·马特恩
Duncan Allen(亚历山大•马特恩 饰)要皮条客Derek(强尼•哈瑞思 饰)找一个未成年的女孩来满足他恋童癖的欲望。 Derek让妓女Kelly(罗瑞恩•斯坦利 饰)在路边找到了离家出走的14岁女孩Joanne(乔治娅•格洛梅 饰)。就算十分不愿意,但面对Derek的威逼与金钱的诱惑,Kelly还是把Joanne带到了Duncan的家中。Duncan很快想要带Joanne带上房间,这时候两名女生都不安起来。直到听到Joanne的求救,Kelly冲上了房间。挣扎中,Duncan被Joanne刺伤了,重伤死去。 两名女生落荒而逃,她们逃到了布莱顿。回想前天晚上的事,她们都十分后怕。另一方面看到父亲被杀的Stewart,找到了Derek要求他一天时间内找出两名女生。 Kelly与Joanne还是被Derek找到了,Stewart在一片空地上等待,他要Joanne告诉他事发的经过。Joanne与Kelly都以为自己凶多吉少,却没想到枪口并没有指向她们……
Nathan Fillion,Stana Katic
侦探小说家Richard Castle(内森·菲利安 Nathan Fillion 饰)因为一起连环杀人案结识了纽约警局的Kate Beckett(斯坦娜·卡蒂克 Stana Katic 饰),并对她产生了浓厚的兴趣。虽然Beckett强烈反对,Castle最终还是凭借 自己发达的人脉,在纽约警局“赖”了下来,跟在Beckett身后办案以寻找写作灵感。性格和背景迥异的两人在不断的斗嘴与摩擦中竟然渐渐培养出了默契,成了名符其实的最佳搭档。但Castle不顾Beckett的反对,私下调查Beckett母亲多年前的命案,一度导致两人的关系一度陷入僵局。当Richard那种 "随心所欲"、"自由散漫" 的作风与Beckett那种程序化的保守作风相抵触时,争论随之而来,火花也随之而来。是危险,还是浪漫?
Nathan Fillion,Stana Katic
侦探小说家Richard Castle(内森·菲利安 Nathan Fillion 饰)几乎成了纽约市警察局的“固定员工”,虽然让Kate Beckett(斯坦娜·卡蒂克 Stana Katic 饰)颇感头疼,但两人合做默契,快成为正式搭档。但由于Richard在Kate不知情的情况下调查了她母亲的谋杀案,导致两人的关系一度陷入僵局。 。如今Richard一边忙灭修补他和Kate之间的裂痕,一边策划自己的下一本畅销小说《Heat Wave》的出版事宜。虽然Kate决定不再与Richard来往,但形势所迫,两人不得不再度联手调查一桩新出现的奥秘谋杀案--有人发觉一个男人死在一棵树上,全身被树的枝叶缠绕......
侦探小说作家Richard Castle (内森·菲利安 Nathan Fillion 饰)什么都不缺:名利、英俊的外表、崇拜者等,但他却对这种生活感到厌倦,处于事业上的瓶颈。在家又被过气演员母亲Martha(Susan Sullivan饰)和十五岁但人细鬼大的女儿Alexis(莫莉·奎恩 Molly C. Quinn 饰)盯紧。自从纽约刑警调查员Kate Beckett (斯坦娜·卡蒂克 Stana Katic 饰)找上他协助调查一连串的凶杀案开始。Richard开始以他的侦探头脑帮助Kate破案。而两人在争执和磨擦中建立默契,甚至感情和爱情……
内森·菲利安,斯坦娜·卡蒂克 Stana Katic,乔·胡尔特拉斯 Jon Huertas,希穆斯·德维 Seamus Dever,Tamala Jones,Molly C. Quinn,Susan Sullivan,Penny Johnson Jerald
4年的时间,81集案件以及一次濒临死亡的经验之后,Kate Beckett警官(Stana Katic饰)才终于和畅销书作家Richard Castle(Nathan Fillion饰)在感情上同步而走到了一起。但他们有一个不得不面对的现实就是纽约警局一个不成文的规定:不允许同事之间谈恋爱。怎么隐藏二人的甜蜜在稍后的剧情中更为棘手,周末Castle拐带Beckett来到他汉普郡的别院,想过二人世界,结果谋杀案如影随形纠缠着他们。不过外因可不是纠缠他们的唯一问题来源。Andrew说:“他还是那个长不大的老男孩,她呢,又个性执拗,他们还有很多事情需要相互磨合,有很多的小秘密要一点点坦白。”
吉莲·芭伯,Michelle Brezinski,Ava Frye,Alexandra Voicu,Kimi Alexander,Robert Leaf,Leah Beaudry,Nathalie J. Cerny,Emma Flemington,Peter Graham-Gaudreau,Olivia Preston,David C. Jones,Diana Studenberg,Alan Colodey,Evan Moyer
When a demanding lover inspires her to write, an idle woman must fake the relationship in order to complete her new book.
Rachael Blake,Jennie Jacques,Jumayn Hunter
英国伦敦某个高档社区,事业有成、生活优渥的迈克(汤姆·布彻 Tom Butcher 饰)和妻子克莉斯蒂安(蕾切尔·布雷克 Rachael Blake 饰)正在进行着不甚愉快的晚餐,夫妻二人语露锋芒,相互讥讽和试探,气氛分外尴尬。正在这时,三名不速之客破门而入,将二人捆绑起来。原来他们的儿子塞巴斯第安(汤姆·凯恩 Tom Kane 饰)在外惹出麻烦,致使泰迪(桑尼·穆斯林 Sonny Muslim 饰)、奥塞德(Ashley Chin 饰)和瑞恩(Jumayn Hunter 饰)冲入他的家中,守株待兔。 时间在煎熬中缓缓流逝,青年们蛮横无理,恣意妄为。更令迈克夫妇担忧的是,他们的儿子随时会惨遭毒手。一切开始朝着不可预测的方向发展……
1"South Island"July 18, 2011 Bear Grylls must fling himself out of a plane and parachute to safety to reach this remote area. Crossing the country's highest mountain range and starting a fire in a waterlogged forest are just some of the unpredictable things he faces in this terrain. 2"Fire And Ice"July 25, 2011 Bear Grylls is dropped on an ice cap covering an active volcano. In blizzard conditions he struggles to make headway, and the barren land offers little food. Can he reach civilization when faced with swollen river crossings and ever present flash floods? 3"Red Rock Country" August 12, 2011 Bear Grylls is in red rock country - southern Utah. Armed only with a lasso, he descends a rock pinnacle and gets trapped in a narrow gorge. Crossing an arid wilderness, he's left hanging 100 ft above a ravine. And Bear's craziest airplane stunt ever! 4"Land of The Maori"August 19, 2011 Over 100 people drown each year in New Zealand, and Bear must cross a raging river on a tree trunk to head toward civilization. On his journey to safety he runs out of water, is forced to climb up active volcanic ranges and scale down a waterfall. 5"Working the Wild"November 29, 2011 Bear Grylls takes the viewer behind the scenes to meet the crew that follows his every step. Whether he's jumping from helicopters or eating the unimaginable, the camera is never far away from the action. Now the crew gets to tell their side of the story.