帕瓦西,托维诺·托马斯,Soubin Shahir
A real life account of the deadly Nipah virus outbreak in Kerala, and the courageous fight put on by several individuals which helped to contain the epidemic
法哈德·法西尔,Soubin Shahir,Darshana Rajendran
A dark rainy night, an empty house, a stranded couple and an unknown man. A sleek game of the cat and the mouse starts playing on, as the three of them find a dead body in the basement.
阿尼尔班·巴塔查尔吉,Anirban Chakrabarti,托达·罗伊·乔杜里,戈西克·森,Madhurima Ghosh,Chandrayee Ghosh,Rohit Basfore,Oishani Dey,Shahir Raj
精神医学博士金舒克罗伊获得印度大城加尔各答警局的聘用,成为常驻犯罪学家。 当地发生一连串离奇的杀警案,遇害的警察们遭到掳走后,活生生地被挖出心脏,且尸体旁总是会放着一个刻了圣经经文的十字架。 金舒克和调查小组查案的过程中,屡屡受到凶手的摆布,当案情有了重大进展时,金舒克更意外挖出印度警方的黑暗内幕...