Joey Acedo,John Anthoni,Hank Azcona,Bruce Barlow,George Barnett,Edward Bryant,Michael Bustamante,Matt Demeritt,普雷米卡·伊顿,Ryan Effner,Erica Frank,Gregory Frost,Timpson Hill,Larry Kagen,Krista Keim,丽迪雅·马兰洛,Somtow Sucharitkul,Tim Sullivan,Richard Bonnin,Rogan
僵尸,恶魔,和一个疯狂的医生等待着一车人寻找阿兹特克遗址。奥沙利文神父是一名天主教神父,他已经失去了对上帝的信仰,也无法忘记曾经和他有过一段婚外情(还有一个儿子)的修女。奥沙利文为考古学生卡尔,新时代的威尔伯和克拉利斯·莱明,离家出走的劳里,游客杜佐斯和弗罗斯特在墨西哥巴士旅行期间担任导游。更令奥沙利文惊讶的是,当他的爱人泰茜和她的儿子埃文一起上车时。在墨西哥,卡尔透露了他对一个重要的古代文本的了解,正好赶上了死亡庆典的日子。与此同时,邪恶的Um-tzec博士正在为自己策划一场神化,最终化身为死亡之神,而他需要完成的是献祭孩子们的心……很多很多的心。当欧沙利文神父为再次见到泰茜而挣扎的时候,Um-tzec医生走近他进行驱魔;但. .
Steven Rinella,Joe Rogan,布莱恩·考伦,Remi Warren,Rorke Denver,Brandt Meixell,Tim Ferriss
A man travels around the vast wilderness hunting various animals. He hunts everything from birds to bears. Once the animal is bagged he demonstrates how to process the game and cook it.
Steven Rinella,Joe Rogan,布莱恩·考伦,Remi Warren,Rorke Denver,Brandt Meixell,Tim Ferriss
A man travels around the vast wilderness hunting various animals. He hunts everything from birds to bears. Once the animal is bagged he demonstrates how to process the game and cook it.
Steven Rinella,Joe Rogan,布莱恩·考伦,Remi Warren,Rorke Denver,Brandt Meixell,Tim Ferriss
A man travels around the vast wilderness hunting various animals. He hunts everything from birds to bears. Once the animal is bagged he demonstrates how to process the game and cook it.
Steven Rinella,Joe Rogan,布莱恩·考伦,Remi Warren,Rorke Denver,Brandt Meixell,Tim Ferriss
A man travels around the vast wilderness hunting various animals. He hunts everything from birds to bears. Once the animal is bagged he demonstrates how to process the game and cook it.
Steven Rinella,Joe Rogan,布莱恩·考伦,Remi Warren,Rorke Denver,Brandt Meixell,Tim Ferriss
A man travels around the vast wilderness hunting various animals. He hunts everything from birds to bears. Once the animal is bagged he demonstrates how to process the game and cook it.
Steven Rinella,Joe Rogan,布莱恩·考伦,Remi Warren,Rorke Denver,Brandt Meixell,Tim Ferriss
A man travels around the vast wilderness hunting various animals. He hunts everything from birds to bears. Once the animal is bagged he demonstrates how to process the game and cook it.
凯文·詹姆斯,罗莎里奥·道森,莱丝莉·比伯,郑肯,唐尼·沃尔伯格,Joe Rogan,奈特·法松,Steffiana De La Cruz,尼克·伯凯,杰姬·桑德勒,尼古拉斯·特图罗,托马斯·戈特沙尔克,布兰登基纳,Robin Bakay,加里·瓦伦廷
影片中出现的大象泰,还出现在了《大象的眼泪》一片中。 影片中出现的长颈鹿Tweet曾经出现在金·凯瑞的代表作《神探飞机头》之中。 富兰克林公园动物园是波士顿当地的一家著名的动物园,1913年开业,占地72英亩。 在富兰克林公园动物园,一群动物们都很爱他们好心的饲养员Griffin Keyes(凯文·詹姆斯 Kevin James),但他们发现他和狮子在一起比跟姑娘在一起相处融洽。Griffin觉得他找到人生另一半的唯一机会就是另找一个体面的工作,此时动物们都很伤心,他们决定向Griffin展示他们的秘密:他们能说人话!为了Griffin不要离开,他们当上了他的求爱老师,可惜是以动物的方式……
米莉·波比·布朗,索瑞·安达斯鲁,罗宾·怀特,安吉拉·贝塞特,尼克·罗宾森,雷·温斯顿,Brooke Carter,Ulli Ackermann,Mens-Sana Tamakloe,Manon Stieglitz,埃尔马诺·桑丘,Rui M Tomas,Rina Martin,Ricky Guillart,Nicole Joseph,Ricarda Clay,Sonya Nisa,Esther Odumade,Brogan Mcfarlane,Sam Sharma
本片有王子有恶龙,但绝非童话。 公主Elodie(米莉·波比·布朗 饰)答应嫁给英俊的王子Henry,却骇然发现王室打算将她献祭给一头巨龙,以偿还家族代代相传的古老债务。惨被当成祭品的她被无情地扔进洞穴,面对张牙舞爪的喷火恶龙,她必须靠着勇气与智慧逃出生天。
凯特·贝金赛尔,斯坦利·图齐,鲍比·坎纳瓦尔,苏珊·萨兰登,杰·科特尼,大卫·布拉德利,拉弗恩·考克斯,克里斯蒂安·布拉辛顿,奥利·普费弗,康斯坦丁·格雷戈里,内森·库珀,哈里·阿尼奇金,Richard Price,Adam Brashaw,Tom Xander,James Grogan,Lili Rich
琳迪这个漂亮风趣的女人有一个痛苦的秘密:由于终身的、罕见的神经紊乱,她经历了阵发性的狂怒杀人冲动,解决方式只有用特殊电极装置电自己。在一个害怕她的奇怪状况的世界里,她无法找到爱和联系,最终她信任了一个男人,并爱上了他,却发现第二天他被谋杀了。 琳迪感到心碎和愤怒,她开始了一个复仇值拉满的任务,寻找幕后杀手,与此同时,她也被警察作为这个案子的头号嫌疑犯追捕着。
马克·哈普卡,杰西卡·罗德,埃里克·蒋曼,吴恬敏,约戈·康斯坦丁,戴维·杰,迈克尔·蒙克斯,Ian Casselberry,B.J. Grogan,nm5594276 Lorraine LeBlanc,Han Soto,马科·圣约翰,卢克·霍克斯,金·柯林斯,Lindsey G. Smith
西德妮·斯威尼,贾斯蒂斯·史密斯,本·哈迪,刘承羽,凯瑟琳·金·索,Cait Alexander,Caitlyn Sponheimer,Daniel Grogan,Madelline Harvey,Sarah Donna,Noah Parker,Emily Shelton,Blessing Adedijo,Jillian Harris,Jimmy Caspeur
斯科特·阿金斯,迈克尔·比斯平,Karyn Bryant,范·迪塞尔,Tito Ortiz,Joe Rogan,米基·洛克,乔治·圣皮埃尔,Dana White,迈克尔·加·怀特
His passion for combat sports wasn't keeping him alive so survival mode kicked in for Michael and he was forced to take normal jobs, including working in factories, slaughterhouses, demolition companies; in addition to working as an upholsterer, postman, tiler, plasterer, and salesman. In his later years though, Michael's career as a UFC fighter would take off and he would become one of the sports fan favorites, but with any combat sport comes the shrapnel of getting kicked and punched in the face on a nightly basis. In a controversial fight against the steroid-induced Victor Belfort, the unthinkable would happen to change the course of Bisping's life forever. He would suffer a detached retina from a blow and kick to the head that would disfigure and scar the fighter forever, threatening to end a career he has sacrificed everything for. With a wife and kids that love him, they plead for the battered and bruised fighter to hang up the gloves, as they feel he has nothing left to prove. But in the end that decision is left to only one man: Michael Bisping.