Brandon Ray Olive,Danielle Chuchran,Demetrius Daniels,Michael Flynn,James Gaisford,Landon Henneman,Andrew Dee Jones,Ruby Jones,Michaela McAllister,Diedra Celeste Miranda,Tye Nelson,Hahhah Pettersson,Lawson Rockwood,Shaunna Thompson,Paris Warner,Yolanda Wo
Hunted by government agents and constantly assaulted by a cartel of vengeful thugs, an amnesiac known only as "626" searches for her true identity while protecting a teenage girl who shares her superhuman abilities; but when 626 uncovers the horrifying truth about her past, she must infiltrate enemy headquarters to expose a corporate conspiracy that threatens the free world,before she and her companion are silenced forever.
克里斯汀·库亚斯·托普,Henrik Bjelland,罗尔夫·克里斯蒂安·拉森,安德斯·巴斯莫·克里斯蒂安森,比约恩·弗洛伯格,安尼克·冯·德·利佩,Christoffer Staib,Ane Skumsvoll,坚吉兹·阿尔,Nils Elias Olsen,Daniel Frikstad,Halfdan Hallseth,Renate Hellerud,Karina Knight,Hibba Najeeb,威达·桑登
Ashley Nicole Williams,格雷格·普罗普斯,卡里姆·J.格里梅斯,维尔·贝布林克,西娅·吉尔,Paulina Alvarez,库尔特·克劳斯,Ren Holly Liu,Malcolm Xavier,Galen Howard,Rachel Lynn David,Tanner Risner,Reed Michael Campbell,Monica Ricketts,Patrick Olsen
Douglas Rouillard,Britton Purvis,Charles Justo,Ryan Rouillard,Michele Gomez,Michael Zammito,Scott D Gold,Bradford Eckhart,Paul Black,Eric Boles,Joshua Bucens,James Chilli Chillingworth,Alex Davis,Casey Duncan,Lily Hong
1999年12月31日和2000年临近,世界安全系统正处于全面崩溃的边缘。 被称为2000年恐慌的美国政府通过在两个驱动器上备份最高机密文件采取了预防措施。 从美国财政部记录到军事计划,这些驱动器都应由中央情报局、国家安全局以及总统加以保护,这些文件的丢失都可能对美国国家安全造成毁灭性的破坏。十年后,一个小镇警察(Douglas Rouillard扮演)调查了一系列谋杀案,发现这些被害者都是从某监狱放出来的当年被囚禁的士兵,并迅速得知这起谋杀案背后,是美国政府将这几个参与国家机密文件存储的士兵关押并杀害的阴谋。接着,其中一个驱动器丢失。问题是,谁拿走了,为什么? 随着死亡人数的增加,他求助于他的兄弟,发现真实并揭露真相。
Holger Andersson,Nils Westblom,夏洛塔·拉松,Viktor Gyllenberg,Lotti Törnros,Jonas Gerholm,Ola Stensson,Oscar Salomonsson,Roger Olsen Likvern,Mats Ryden
格雷戈·金尼尔,John Paul Gamoke,大卫·哈伯,Jennifer Edwards-Hughes,Scott Crouch,Peter Moore,Michelle Hutchison,James Michael Detmar,Michael Paul Levin,Kathryn Lawrey,Joe Minjares,Michelle Arthur,Peter Thoemke,艾伦·阿金,莉·汤普森,鲍勃·巴拉班,比利·克鲁德普,Tony Papenfuss,克里斯·卡尔森,约翰·埃尔森,迈
米基(格雷戈·金尼尔 Greg Kinnear 饰)是一位保险推销员,凭借着他的三寸不烂之舌,米基很快就在业内为自己打下了坚实的基础,很显然,目前的那一点蝇头小利早已经满足不了米基日渐扩大的胃口了,他正在积极寻找能够令他一步登天的机会。 为了躲避北方寒冷的天气,米基南下回到了久未谋面的妻子乔安(莉·汤普森 Lea Thompson 饰)身边,让米基没有想到的是,他竟然因此意外的看到了前程的曙光。退休的农场主哈尔(艾伦·阿金 Alan Arkin 饰)成为了米基向上爬的垫脚石,而锁匠蓝迪(比利·克鲁德普 Billy Crudup 饰)的出现意外打乱了米基的算盘,随着时间的推移,米基发现,自己已经再也无法支撑他所编撰的重重谎言了。
AI 爱上你
平采娜·乐维瑟派布恩,马里奥·毛瑞尔,萨哈贾克·波斯安吉特,大卫·阿萨瓦纳德,Watthanachai Treedecha,Thaweesak Thananan,Kenneth Won,Michael S. New,James Laver,Ladapa Ratchataamonchot,Chris Wegoda,Fuang R. Puttarangsi,Manita Chobchuen,Siri Tveter,Hassaya Isariyasereekul
一个故障百出的 AI 机械人正面临被淘汰的命运,却因爱上一个女人而躲进一个男人的血肉之躯,用尽千方百计夺取芳心。
休·杰克曼,列维·施瑞博尔,丹尼·赫斯顿,威廉姆·亚当斯,琳恩·柯林斯,凯文·杜兰,多米尼克·莫纳汉,泰勒·克奇,丹尼尔·海尼,瑞安·雷诺兹,蒂姆·波考克,朱丽娅·布莱克,马克斯·库伦,特洛耶·希文,Michael-James Olsen,皮特·奥布莱恩,亚伦·杰弗里,阿德莱德·克莱蒙丝,麦尔斯·珀拉德,Chris Sadrinna,马修·戴尔,内森·巴特勒,阿什·凯迪,苏格拉底·奥图,詹姆斯·D·德弗,塔哈纳·托基,丹尼尔·内格雷努,Alexandra Davies,罗布·弗拉纳根,哈基姆·凯-卡西姆,
1845年,尚年幼的维克多与詹姆斯兄弟俩在长辈之间一场突如其来争执中唤醒了自身的潜能,詹姆斯情急之下将陌生的生父杀死,自此兄弟两人流落战场,他们凭借不死不衰之身和野兽一般的天赋在各个时代的战争中大开杀戒,直到遇见史崔克少校并加入了他的异能人特殊部队。詹姆斯(休·杰克曼 Hugh Jackman 饰)很快厌倦了对弱势者的杀戮,离开了团队和维克多(列维·施瑞博尔 Liev Schreiber 饰),与女友凯拉隐居在山林中,做了一名伐木工人。六年后,詹姆斯惊闻昔日的超能力队友纷纷被杀害,而杀手正是哥哥维克多,不久连凯拉也遭其毒手,愤怒的詹姆斯与史崔克合作,将自己的身体改造,成为钢筋铁骨的“金刚狼”。金刚狼摆脱军方控制后,发誓要杀死维克多和史崔克为凯拉报仇……
Dana Mackin,Robert Christopher Smith,Natalie De Vincentiis,莎拉·弗伦奇,Meg Schimelpfenig,Mark Chinnery,Ernest Bean,Merle Bean,Sean Berube,Billy Carter,Lynn Clemons,James Davis,Mary Dufresne,Megan Dufresne,Jenny Fisher
Mary-Kate Olsen,Ashley Olsen
黛丝和艾蜜莉拼命地想为单身老爸麦斯找个漂亮美眉牵红线,有什么方法会比在圣塔摩尼卡的看板上登广告更有效率呢?然而,真爱可不是这么容易就能找到的,所以说麦斯和他的新女友布鲁克火花四溅的爱情路上,自然也免不了会有些小小的障碍... 首先是布鲁克的儿子莱恩,他和双胞胎初相见时发生了一些相处上的"歧见";等到三人成为朋友后,便开始联手对付第二个障碍--麦斯惟利是图的经纪人奈吉。这三个古灵精怪的青少年会想出怎样异想天开的妙计来撮合他们的父母呢?
Ronald L. Marchini,Romano Kristoff,Paul Vance,Ken Watanabe,Mike Cohen,Nick Nicholson,迈克蒙蒂,Joe Meyer,Michael Krus,John Grimmer,Charlotte Cain,Lee Hanawalt,Charles Black,James McKenzie
Document-stealing killer super ninjas are up to no good. A more robust and secure records management system could have discouraged such behavior
Jean Dujardin,Melvil Poupaud,Sylvie Testud,Alexandra Lamy,Daniel Prévost,Michaël Youn,Jean-François Balmer,Bruno Salomone,Carlos Kaspar,Sergio Feldmann,Yann Sarfati,Rafael Lavin,Claudio Brusca
法国家喻户晓同名漫画改编!喜剧专业户让·杜雅赫丹、梅尔维·珀波和凯撒影后西尔薇·泰斯图德三大巨星同台竞技,演绎西部浪漫又刺激的传奇故事.法2TF1收藏版+完整花絮+独家优质中文译制+OST. 剧情 影片讲述牛仔卢克闯荡美国西部偶遇神枪手杰西·詹姆斯、比利小子、灾难简(Calamity Jane)等西部名人,演绎了一段浪漫又刺激的传奇故事。这是法国著名漫画家勒内·戈西尼继小淘气尼古拉、高卢英雄阿斯特里克后创造的另一个漫画人物改编而成的电影,当这些漫画人物走向世界,他们的语言已深入法国人的日常生活中,就像“幸运星卢克”常说的那句“举枪的速度比他的影子还快”。 幕后花絮 《幸运星卢克》改编自法国著名漫画家勒内·戈西尼《高卢英雄大战凯撒王子》系列之外的另一代表作,讲述牛仔卢克闯荡美国西部偶遇神枪手杰西·詹姆斯、比利小子、灾难简(Calamity Jane)等西部名人的故事,由法国电视喜剧明星“男孩让”让·杜雅赫丹主演,帅哥梅尔维·珀波和凯撒影后西尔薇·泰斯图德分别扮演杰西·詹姆和灾难简。影片由新锐喜剧导演詹姆斯·胡特(《神奇手机》)执导,编剧更是由今年创下法国票房记录...
沙鲁克·汗,卡特莉娜·卡芙,安努舒卡·莎玛,Santi Scinelli,阿努潘·凯尔,Ignacio Guirado,Tina Tancakova,Pamela Betsy Cooper,Lee Nicholas Harris,Chris Cowlin,James Michael Rankin,John Duggan,Richard Herdman,Chonradee Kulthap,Benjayx Murphy,Jaspal Badwell,Rishi Kapoor,Anupam Kher,Susan
萨马尔•阿南德少校(沙鲁克•汗 Shahrukh Khan 饰)是个排雷防爆的专家,在军队中保持着自己的拆弹记录。他每天的工作穿梭于生死边缘,坦然面对生死的他却从不穿防护设备。意外救下了少女阿琪拉•拉耶(安努舒卡•莎玛 Anushka Sharma 饰),遗留的日记本里记忆的爱情故事让这个女孩对萨马尔深深着迷。利用探索频道实习生的身份,阿琪拉对萨马尔进行为期两周的故事记录,渐渐的,她深入到了萨马尔的故事中。原来十几年前的穷小子萨马尔在伦敦做流浪歌手偶遇了富家女米拉•塔帕尔(卡特莉娜•卡芙 Katrina Kaif 饰),用其美妙的歌声打动了她的心。已经订婚的米拉无可救药的与他相爱了。然而虔诚的基督徒米拉却在萨马尔遭遇一次车祸后向神祈祷如果他能活下来,就永不再见面。存活下来的萨马尔因此失去了心爱的米拉,为此他向神挑战,要么让他死去,要么让米拉回到她的身边。就这样,萨马尔回到了印度,开始了枪林弹雨的危险军旅生活。然而2012年他为了阿琪拉的纪录片再次回到伦敦再次遭遇车祸,失忆将心爱的米拉再次推回到了他的生活中… 该片是被誉为“宝莱坞浪漫爱情片之父”的导演雅什•乔普拉的遗作。
Michelle Taylor,Kurt Tocci,Michael Leavy,Jenna Parker,James Vincent Boland,Marrick Smith,Rachel Elizabeth Nelson,Summer Moran,John Herron,Greg DiCostanzo,Carolyn Cannizzaro,Phil Buccigrossi,Briann Baker,Nick Gerrity,William Harden,Jenny Kelly,Sal Volpe,Er
Michael James Regan, Tommy James Murphy, Louis Di Bianco
When given the chance at a fresh-start, a grieving young man and his coked-up stepbrother, must confront a local mafia kingpin and perhaps something even more dangerous - their past.
Monica Engesser,Owen Conway,Clint James,Sanford Gibbons,Maria Olsen,Shawn Saavedra,Richard Lippert
After the tragic deaths of her husband and daughter, Sarah Doyle moves back to her childhood home with her estranged brother, Richard. It's not long before Sarah begins to experience supernatural phenomena of a violent and hostile nature. Bewildered and desperate, Richard enlists the aid of a paranormal investigator who confirms that Sarah has become possessed by a powerful demon. Together, the three men will go to battle to save Sarah's soul.
大卫·爱登堡,格蕾塔·通贝里,Michael E. Mann,James Hansen,Sunita Narain,Mark Maslin,Andrew Shepherd,Peter Stott,Richard Black,Richard Lazarus,Catherine Mitchell,Naomi Oreskes,Tim Lenton,Colette Pichon Battle,Sarabpal Bhatia
Sir David Attenborough is to present and narrate a new landmark film, Climate Change: The Facts for BBC One. The documentary will provide an urgent look at the science of climate change and the potential solutions to this global threat, combining footage that reveals the already devastating impact of climate change on our planet with interviews from some of the world’s leading climate scientists. After one of the hottest years on record, climatologists and meteorologists explain the effects of climate change on both the human population and the natural world. Scientists, including Dr James Hansen, Dr Michael Mann and Professor Catherine Mitchell will forensically unpack the science behind the extreme weather conditions of recent years, which have seen unprecedented storms and catastrophic wildfires; as well as detailing how the accelerating rate at which the world’s ice is melting is causing sea level rises, and how deforestation is exacerbating the problem of global warming by adding to CO2 in the atmosphere. The film will deliver an unflinching exploration of what dangerous levels of climate change could mean for human populations, what is likely to happen if global warming exceeds 1.5 degrees and if major reductions in CO2 emissions are not made in the next decade. The documentary looks too at potential solutions, exploring the innovations, technology and actions the world's governments and industries are taking to prevent further warming and showcasing individuals who are creating change at grassroots levels. In the film, Sir David Attenborough says: "In the 20 years since I first started talking about the impact of climate change on our world, conditions have changed far faster than I ever imagined. It may sound frightening but the scientific evidence is that if we have not taken dramatic action within the next decade we could face irreversible damage to the natural world and the collapse of our societies. We're running out of time but there's still hope… I believe that if we better understand the threat we face, the more likely it is that we can avoid such a catastrophic future.”
Isabel Nesti,Ed Keates,Florence Harvey,Stephanie Osztreicher,Emily Adams,James Thomson,Toby Gibbs,Gibsa Bah,Chameli Meir,Helga Ragnars,Paula Roy,Brian James Twiddy,Nicole Wood
卢·弗里基诺,Jerry Anderson,Tania Staite,Jade Fearon,Levi James,杰森·贝利,安古斯·布朗,Michael James MacMahon,Sophie Wembridge,Craig Malpass,Tony Banham,Steve Speak,汤姆·班尼特,Paul Robert Bird,Keegan Broad-Haugh,Jonathan Cox,Claire Delaney,Marnie Delroy-Buelles,Ian C. Downs,
A vicious gang war for drug dominance draws in a disturbed Special Forces veteran John Bradley. Trying to adjust to normal life and haunted by inner demons of a violent past, the underworld's retribution on his last connection to humanity, a daughter and grandchild leads to a descent of fury and violence that not even the brutality of gangland is prepared for.
Lyndsey Craine,Lala Barlow,Vito Trigo,James Hamer-Morton,Charlie Bond,艾米丽·海格,Michaela Longden,Sierra Summers,Alexander J Skinner,Justin A. Martell,Annabella Rich,Dani Thompson,劳伦斯·R·哈维,Blade Braxton,洛伊德·考夫曼
Jesse Richardson,Ellen Williams,Michael Thomson,James Storer,Leigh Walker,Darrell Plumridge,Samuel Peacock,Katie Anderson
That day is seared into the memory of every human being on the planet: the day the world changed. First came the attack on the Philippines. Within days they spread, as though appearing out of nowhere, striking out at more islands, forging a foothold in the South Pacific. Then came the first attack on U.S. soil - Los Angeles - and the reality became clear: our world was at war once again, but this time with an enemy from beyond our galaxy. Now, months later, the fate of the world hangs in the balance as a mission to strike at a key enemy installation deep in enemy territory goes terribly wrong, and the Marines of the 15th Expeditionary Unit are scattered across the island of New Britain, leaderless, and facing impossible odds. Pacific Theater is the story of those Marines: fresh recruits who journey from their homes across the Pacific to the front lines. It is the story of John Blake, a charming Californian surfer who must find the strength to become a leader, Tracey Gleeson, a physics...
Jhey Castles,约瑟夫·迈克尔·哈里斯,Evan James Henderson,杰奎琳·西斯洛夫斯基,Sallieu Sesay,Remy O'Brien,Steve Dellatori,Sharon Desiree,Crash Buist,Bernard Bullen,Lori Thomas,Joseph Serrano,Michael Varrati,Kimberly Spak,Paige McGarvin,Derek Ocampo
达尔·萨利姆,松佳·里奇特,苏丝·威尔金斯,Karoline Hamm,拉斯·兰特,米凯尔·比克耶,Natali Vallespir,Milo Campanale,Susan Spano,摩顿·伯安,Susanne Storm,Mads Kruse,Katinka Lærke Petersen,Yerman Gur,Iris Mealor Olsen,Anders Nyborg,本杰明·基特
罗伯特·帕特里克,尼克·斯塔尔,斯科特·黑兹,凯丽·加纳,托尼·海尔,杰克·韦伯,罗尼·吉恩·贝尔维斯,Troy Powell,洛安娜·斯蒂芬斯,Winston James Francis,比利·布莱尔,Anthony Gaudioso,Dana Namerode,Ben Hall,达里尔·考克斯,克里斯·弗雷霍夫,Richard L. Olsen,汤米·纳什,布鲁斯·戴维斯,Laurie Cummings,克莱顿·拉杜,易卜拉欣·伊西克塔斯
A family with buried secrets reunite at a farmhouse after two decades to pay for their past sins.
Luna Arzoni,Nicolas Bachmann,Egon Betschart,Soumeya Ferro-Luzzi,Morgane Ferru,Roberto Garieri,Julia Glaus,Liana Hangartner,Peter Jecklin,Gabriel Noah Maurer,Dashmir Ristemi,Isaka Sawadogo,Michèle Schaub-Jackson,Florin Schmidig,Viola von Scarpatetti
Ten directors of a new generation of filmmakers tell how differently people in Switzerland cope with the worst imaginable disaster; the fact of being dependent on other countries.
特雷弗·多诺万,詹姆斯·马斯洛,约翰·图尔克,Michael Foster,约翰·威尔士,Ronald Woodhead,Taylor Novak,Michael Parrish,Brian Heintz,David Fink,Kara Joy Reed,Lance Newton,Daniel Jeffries,Mason Heidger,Callie Bussell,Nick Denmon,Janina Maria,Westley Gathright,Michael B. Chait,贝乔·多曼,亨宁·
伊莎贝尔·于佩尔,安妮·吉拉尔多,伯努瓦·马吉梅尔,苏珊娜·洛塔尔,乌多·萨梅尔,安娜·西加勒维奇,Cornelia Köndgen,Thomas Weinhappel,格奥尔格·弗里德里希,Philipp Heiss,William Mang,Rudolf Melichar,Michael Schottenberg,Gabriele Schuchter,迪特尔·贝尔讷,Annemarie Schleinzer,Liliana Nelska,薇薇安·巴奇,杰尔蒂·德拉斯尔,史黛芬妮·迪亚布卓,Noam M
40岁的Erika Kohut(伊莎贝尔·于佩尔 Isabelle Huppert 饰)表面上是一个优雅的钢琴老师,外形独特、气质出众,但对学生却无比严厉。同时她的母亲专制又无理,无休止的折磨令Erika的各种欲望都无法发泄。于是Erika只好躲在厕所用剃刀伤害自己以求快感,嗅着内裤上的味道以发泄欲望,还去租看色情录像带。当18岁英俊冲动的Walter(伯努瓦·马吉梅 Benoît Magimel 饰)闯进她的生活时,一切都改变了。他们互相需索互相慰藉,Erika以为她终于找到了自己的幸福,然而年少的Walter有一日厌倦了这种关系……
塔布,阿里·法扎勒,瓦米恰·嘉碧,阿希瑟·维德亚迪,R·巴克提·克莱因,Alexx O'Nell,Azmeri Haque Badhon,Jan Graveson,Vijay Raj,Sameer Deshpande,Vijayant Kohli,Disney James,Jacob Breitmeier,Rosabelle Folk,Siddhi Bhutani
迈克尔·B·乔丹,梅罗妮·迪亚兹,奥克塔维亚·斯宾瑟,凯文·杜兰,查德·迈克尔·墨瑞,阿娜·欧蕾利,Ariana Neal,Keenan Coogler,Trestin George,乔伊·奥格莱斯比,Michael James,Marjorie Crump-Shears,Destiny Ekwueme,Bianca Rodriguez III,Julian Keyes
Oscar Grant(迈克尔·B·乔丹 Michael B. Jordan 饰)和女友Sophina(梅罗妮·迪亚兹 Melonie Diaz 饰)还有四岁的女儿一起生活在奥克兰。2008年12月31日,是Oscar母亲的生日。早上,他像往常一样送女儿上幼儿园,送女友上班。Oscar卖过大麻、入过狱,因为经常迟到被炒了鱿鱼,但他准备在新的一年到来之际努力开始一段新的人生。晚上,大家欢聚一堂,庆祝他母亲的生日,同时庆祝新年的到来。结束和家人的聚会,Oscar带着Sophina还有一群好友,搭上地铁前往旧金山看烟花。2009年1月1日,新年的第一个早晨,狂欢了一夜的他们搭上回家的地铁,Oscar却在地铁上遇到了以前一起呆过监狱的“故人”,他的出现,改变了所有人..... 本片根据真实故事改编。
弗朗克西斯·周,塔拉·维斯特伍德,约恩·巴特勒,Mike Sutton,Michael Everett Johnson,Matthew Curtis,Chloe Carroll,Jim Schubin,Brenda Crawley,Ben Samuels,Michael Wetherbee,Becca Jackson,Brielle Rickards,Linda Horwatt,Tariq James Arthur
Struggling young lovers, Tom and Eve, must endure a 30-day scientific experiment. Room, board, $50,000 and a month alone together in research facility housing. What could possibly go wrong.
Eric Christian Olsen,Catherine Oxenberg,Alexandra Paul,Clint Howard,Zach Galligan,Kevin Elston
To escape the clutches of the evil warrior and sorceress Morgana, Merlin transports young King Arthur into modern day America. When Merlin comes back ten years later to retrieve him, he finds a hip 15 year-old Arthur who does not believe Merlin, nor does he want to return to the past. Merlin must convince Arthur of his true identity, before Morgana can retrieve Excalibur and allow the Dark Forces to take over the world.
汤姆·塞兹摩尔,娜嘉拉·汤森德,玛丽·凯丽,Maria Olsen,萨布丽娜·卡尔弗,Tomoko Karina,Douglas Bennett,康斯坦斯·布伦尼曼,Nancy Degnan,Stephanie Pearson,Amir Rahim,李·可可,Dave Buzzotta,Ellen Ho,戴夫·维西奥
In an attempt to rectify their criminal past, a once successful Hollywood starlet, turn prostitute, and a petty, misogynistic thief, set out together to solve a high profile child abduction case in San Francisco.
文森特·普莱斯,Essy Persson,Hilary Heath,Carl Rigg,斯蒂芬·蔡斯,Marshall Jones,Andrew McCulloch,迈克尔·埃尔菲克,Pamela Moiseiwitsch,Joyce Mandre,罗伯特·赫顿,盖伊·迪吉,伊丽莎白·伯格纳,帕特里克·莫夫,Victoria Fairbrother,Quinn O'Hara,休·格里夫斯,Sally Geeson,Godfrey James,格尔坦·克劳伯,皮特·本森,Nancy Meckler
In seventeenth century England Lord Whitman wages unending war on what he sees as the ever-present scourge of witchcraft, and many local villagers have suffered at his hands. But one victim uses her occult powers to curse his family, enlisting unknowing help from one of the household.
文图拉,维塔利娜·瓦雷拉,Tito Furtado,Benvindo Tavares,Antonio Santos,Alberto 'Lento' Barros,Pedro Tavares,Isabel Cardoso,António Semedo Moreno,Luiz Mendonça,Arlindo Pina,José António Veiga,João Gomes,Maurício Fernandes,Joel Santos
詹姆斯·肯恩,曼迪·帕廷金,特伦斯·斯坦普,皮特·杰森,杰夫·科伯,托尼·佩雷斯,布莱恩·汤普森,弗朗西斯·X.麦卡蒂,基内·扬,阿尔·伯恩,弗兰克·考利森,汤姆·莫尔加,亚历克·吉利斯,林凡 ,贾斯珀·科尔,Roger Aaron Brown,Don Hood,Edgar Small,Harri James,Brian Lando,Regis Parton,Jessica James,Clarence Landry,George Robotham,James De Closs
格里尔·格拉默,约瑟夫·劳伦斯,米西·派勒,詹妮弗·泰勒,克里斯蒂娜·罗宾森,瑞恩·麦卡坦,莉亚·玛瑞·约翰逊,Amber Montana,Shanna Strong,Norma Michaels,Anthony Crivello,Lindsay Lamb,Kate Rachesky,特雷西·尼尔森,Timothy Guest
莱娜·施托尔策,汉斯-赖因哈德·米勒,莫妮卡·鲍姆加特纳,Elisabeth Bertram,Michael Gahr,Robert Giggenbach,Udo Thomer,Ludwig Wühr,Christof Wackernagel,桑德拉·怀特,卡琳·泰勒,Stella Adorf,科尔杜拉·巴赫尔-埃贝尔,Petra Berndt,Luise Deschauer,Maria Peschek,Martha Kunig-Rinach,Willy Schultes,Hans Stadtmüller
索妮娅(Lena Stolze 列娜•斯特兹 饰)是德国巴伐利亚地区一所高中里的女学生,为了参加论文比赛,她四处收集资料,准备就“第三帝国下的家乡”为题写一篇论文。但随着调查的深入,她遇到了越来越多的阻力。无论是村民还是政府的官员,都不愿索妮娅揭开这个小镇的纳粹历史。索妮娅的家庭和爱情承受了巨大压力,她本人更被政府告上法庭。一夜之间,原本众人眼中的天真姑娘似乎变成了人人憎恨的坏女孩…… 本片改编自真实事件,荣获1991年奥斯卡最佳外语片题名和1990年柏林电影节银熊奖。
安东尼娅·金特里,布里安娜·豪伊,斯科特·波特,艾伦·阿什莫,凯蒂·道格拉斯,詹妮弗·罗伯逊,Raymond Ablack,费利克斯·马拉德,Sara Waisglass,内森·米切尔,Michael Okele,小亚历克斯·马里亚里,Chelsea Clark,迪塞尔·拉托拉卡,Nikki Roumel
Nick Baldasare,Rick Kesler,Susan Pinsky,Norm Singer,Daniel White,John Dunleavy,Darby Vasbinder,Marge Whitney,Lucas Simpson,Daniel Carnevale,Raymond Michael Bell,Michelle Lorch,Patricia Resatka,Evan Stansbury,Eric Swelstad,Jorge Aguirre
鲁格·豪尔,罗伯特·帕特里克,Isabel Glasser,戴·扬,肯·霍华德,Barry Zetlin,Harri James,Tam Logan,Wendy Benson-Landes,Frank Moran,Bruce Anderson,Michael W. Mitchell,David Kadas,John Nadler,Richard Langan
Edward James Olmos,Mary McDonnell,Jamie Bamber,James Callis,Tricia Helfer,Grace Park,Katee Sackhoff,Michael Hogan
The stranded Colonials struggle to survive under the brutal Cylon rule of New Caprica, but when Galactica returns to save humanity, the fledgling Fleet resumes its search for Earth. The Cylons, after losing control on New Caprica, depart on their own mysterious quest for Earth.
Magui Bravi,Luz Champané,Amparo Espinola,克拉拉·科瓦西奇,Agustin Olcese,Amy Smart,James Wright
A group of friends must confront their fears in a terrifying game.
古古·姆巴塔-劳,洛莱妮·图桑特,萨尼雅·西德尼,克里斯托弗·邓汉,大卫·斯特雷泽恩,Jermaine Washington,Tasos Hernandez,Ryan Begay,Levi Martinez,Michael E. Stogner,Richard L. Olsen,Hannah Kauffmann,Jason E. Hill,Monique Straw,Sylvie Grontis Hagan
Anthony Hopkins,Richard Jordan,Cliff Gorman,James Naughton,Michael Lonsdale,Martin Jarvis,Michael Kitchen,Andrew Ray
罗伯·劳,约翰尼·贝希托尔德,金伯利·威廉姆斯·佩斯利,苏珊·加拉赫,Nick Peine,朴秀熙,Annabella Didion,阿·米切尔,Bruce Busta Soscia,Michael H. Cole,James Andrew Kientzy,Katelyn Farrugia,Joseph Echavarria,Rachael Thompson,LaKeta Booker,特德·塔斯基
克里斯汀娜·安娜波,詹姆斯·C·伯恩斯,蒂娜·卡西亚妮,Courtney Compton,Jose Luis Cordovez,罗克·克里切洛,乔什·多尔蒂,Brett Donowho,Danny James,Angel McCord,里奇·麦克唐纳,James C. Morris,Will Newman,Daniel O'Meara,埃里克·罗伯茨
大卫·阿尔瓦雷茨,Mike Ancas,威尔·布拉格罗夫,Ben Cain,克里斯托弗·邓汉,蕾·格雷,Gregory James,Brett Newton,杨罗布,Chuck Bradley,David Neil Cohen,安娜·梅岑采娃,弗兰基·帕隆比,Roger Petan,Melissa Rakiro,Eric Sharpe,William G. Tomek,杰夫·丹尼尔斯,毛拉·蒂尔内,LeslieAnn Guayante,黛西·杰德,马克·佩雷格里诺,Martin Fisher,Chris
第二季将我们带回到虚构的宾夕法尼亚州比尔小镇。德尔·哈里斯(丹尼尔斯 饰)和格蕾丝·坡(蒂尔内 饰)在经历第一季的悲惨事件后试图重建自己的生活。讲述了一系列看似无关的谋杀案,背后隐藏着一个更大的阴谋,威胁着这个关系紧密的小镇上的每一个人。
Peter Sellers,Robert Morley,Constance Cummings,Jameson Clark,Ernest Thesiger,Donald Pleasence,Moultrie Kelsall,Alex Mackenzie,Roddy McMillan,Michael Goodliffe
Classic British comedy adapted from a James Thurber story about a tweed manufacturer's elderly accountant who devises a plan to save the company from an American takeover bid. The arrival of an efficiency expert from the States causes enough of a stir but, when it turns out to be a woman, the old-fashioned number cruncher declares war. Man-eating businesswoman, Angela Barrows is sent by her US company to Edinburgh to investigate export opportunities. She meets businessman Robert MacPherson en route and he persuades her to help bring his company into the 20th century. The staff, lead by Mr. Martin, have other ideas and a battle between the old and new business methods breaks out.