苏尼尔·达特,卡伯·贝迪,萨尔曼·汗,古山·格罗维,Ayesha Jhulka,Rohini Hattangadi,Goga Kapoor,Bharat Kapoor,Kunika,Rajesh Puri,Subbiraj,Sunil Dhawan,Ramesh Goyal,Kamaldeep,Ranjeet
aan Singh and Prithvi Singh's families have been locked in a property dispute in a Court in India. When the Court gives a verdict in favor of Prithvi, Maan hires a bandit, Panna Singh, to kill Prithvi and all of his family. Panna only partially succeeds, and retreats badly wounded to a dense forest to escape Prithvi's wrath. But the harm has been done, Prithvi has lost his sister and other family to this vicious assault, and has vowed to avenge this by killing Maan's family, and he does so with partial success, thus incurring the wrath of Maan's Police Inspector brother, Suraj Singh. Prithvi then goes into hiding and is now called Daku Prithvi Singh. The only survivors from his family are his daughter, Chandra, his aunt, and her son, Himmat, while Suraj Singh lives with his son, Akash. Years later, an educated Akash meets with an uneducated Chandra and both fall in love with each. When their respective fathers' find out, they are told not to see each other again and their marriages' ...
Yuri Mgoyan,索菲柯·齐阿乌列里,拉马兹·迟希克瓦泽,康斯坦丁·斯捷潘科夫,Baia Dvalishvili,Veronique Matonidze,David Dovlatian,Levan Natroshvili,Slava Stepanian,Nodar Dugladze,多多·阿巴希泽
谢尔盖·帕拉杰诺夫,1924年生于前苏联格鲁吉亚的第比利斯,父母都是亚美尼亚人。从小就显示出他对色彩的敏感和天神一般的绘画天赋。除了绘画,从小他就对电影和音乐有着浓厚的兴趣。1945年,他21岁,求学莫斯科是他一生的转折点。他进入俄罗斯电影学院(VGIK)导演系学习拍片。这是一个历史悠久的著名电影学校,为欧洲大陆贡献了大批电影大师。之后成为老师杜甫仁科的助手,杜甫仁科是苏联诗电影的祖先,塔尔科夫斯基和帕拉杰诺夫都得益于他的教诲。 根据俄罗斯作家莱蒙托夫的故事改编。一个游吟诗人在路途上花了一千个白天和黑夜,随时随地尽其所能为人们带来快乐。他的流动的生活方式看似毫无目的,其实不然。他希望在一千个日日夜夜之后,能够挣到足够的钱举办婚礼......如果新娘还在等他的话。 Wandering minstrel Ashik Kerib falls in love with a rich merchant's daughter, but is spurned by her father and forced to roam the world for a thousand and one nights - but not before he's got the daughter to promise not to marry till his return. It's told in typical Paradjanov style, in a series of visually ravishing 'tableaux vivants' overlaid with Turkish and Azerbaijani folksongs.
Nushrratt Bharuccha,Mita Vashisht,Saurabh Goyal
Eight-month pregnant Sakshi must save herself and her unborn child from the evil within society and from the fear that lies in the paranormal world.
Vilma Pitrinaite,Eleni Vergeti,Lilas Nagoya,Nathalie Remadi,Bérengère bodin
An installation presented on 11 screens featuring nude human figures engaged in cathartic performance.
佐伊·索尔达娜,赛琳娜·戈麦斯,卡拉·索菲娅·加斯科恩,阿德里安娜·帕兹,埃德加·拉米雷兹,马克·伊瓦涅,Eduardo Aladro,Emiliano Edmundo Hasan Jalil,Gaël Murgia-Fur,Tirso Pietriga,Xiomara Melissa Ahumada Quito,Magali Brito,Jarib dit Javier Zagoya Montiel,Sébastien Fruit,Alejandra Reyes,安娜贝尔·洛佩斯,Daniel Vela
丽塔是一位资历很高但总被低估的律师。她工作的事务所更感兴趣的是让罪犯摆脱困境,而不是将他们绳之以法。 有一天,她得到了一条意想不到的出路。毒枭头目马尼塔斯雇佣她来帮他金盆洗手,并实现他多年来秘密准备的计划:像他一直梦想的那样,成为一个女人。