佩顿·李斯特,劳伦·埃斯波西托,Daniel Needs,Olivia Nardini,Johrel Martschinke,Alexa Curtis,马丁·沃尔,Janelle Bailey,Niam Mayes,Candice Hill,利亚姆·霍普·耶克·道兹,史蒂夫·内申,布拉登·刘易斯,Madeline Howlett,Shaylee Gear
When Claire Carpenter's dad sends her to Australia to coach an elite boys swim team, Claire finds herself face to face with long-time rival Mikayla Michaels, and the news that the camp will close if the team loses the next meet. To save the camp, Claire must overcome a secret fear, put aside her differences with Mikayla and rediscover her passion.
温迪·麦丽登·康薇,杰夫·格尔林,George Segal,Hayley Orrantia,Sean Giambrone,托伊·金太尔
电视剧改编自编剧亚当·F·戈德堡的真实人生经历。故事发生在二十世纪八十年代美国的一个平凡的家庭之中。贝弗利(温迪·麦克伦敦-考薇 Wendi McLendon-Covey 饰)和穆瑞(杰夫·格尔林 Jeff Garlin 饰)是一对结婚多年的夫妻,尽管生活中少不了磕磕绊绊,穆瑞的暴脾气更是为平静的生活增添了一丝波澜,但他和妻子之间的感情一直以来都十分要好。 贝弗利和穆瑞育有三个孩子,艾瑞卡(Hayley Orrantia 饰)、亚当(肖恩·吉布朗尼 Sean Giambrone 饰)和巴里(托伊·金太尔 Troy Gentile 饰),这三个活泼可爱,有时候又显得过于调皮的小鬼头给家中增添了不少欢声笑语。电视剧真实的记录下了一个大家庭中发生的风风雨雨,让人看来感同身受。
Samantha Kerr,Hayley Raso,Stephanie Catley,Australia Women's National Football Team,Mary Fowler,Katrina Gorry
Gareth Rickards,文森特·阿德里安,Sam Glissan,James Kristian,Hayley McInerney,凯蒂·加菲,Adam Horner,厄尼·丁戈,Bobby Babin,Katherine Shearer,Gabriel P. McCarthy,Leof Kingsford-Smith
Also new to the slate is recently completed Australian title Rough Stuff, an action-adventure story about an activist group which makes a dubious deal with a group of treasure seekers and their modified four-wheel-drives on an expedition through the Australian outback.
Brianna Baker,Lindsay Hicks,Hayley Huntley,Brittani Nichols,贾西卡·妮可
四人好友聚会的一个轻松的下午,谈话间大家交换了人生中重要的时刻,闪现了各自生活中的闪光点。一对les妻妻与一对les情侣展现了她们各自有趣且真实的生活细节。 这个充斥着八卦、欢笑与片刻沉默的下午,也因为一封自杀遗言而暗流涌动。看似平静美好的生活背后,每个人心中小小的秘密,为这个下午带来了无法避免的反转。偶然与巧合归于平静,像白日焰火最终消失地无影无踪。回到生活本身,四人也更加懂得了自己真正所想。
埃尔希·洛夫洛克,迈克尔·科瓦赫,Nola Klop,Shara Kirby,Hayley Nelson,Luke Lerdwichagul,大卫·迪克森,Jasmine Yang,Kevin Lerdwichagul,Sean Chiplock,Liam Vickers
在人类灭绝、地球处于后世界末日状态的世界里,工人机为了生存并打败“杀手无人机”之类的流氓机器人而不断努力。 In a world where humanity is extinct and Earth is in a post apocalyptic state, worker drones struggle and toil to survive and defeat rogue robots called Murder Drones.
Libby Mintz,贝拉·索恩,汉娜·梅·李,盖文·罗斯戴尔,帕丽斯·杰克逊,Hayley Marie Norman,阿隆·迪亚斯,安德莉亚·佩伊奇,Larissa Andrade,何超仪,卡罗琳·达莫雷,Jamie Hince,Damon Lawner,Ada Mogilevsky,Alison Mosshart,Michael Suppes
A street smart party girl gets mixed up in a violent drug deal and finds a possible way out by masquerading as a Nun.
The IMAX "Cosmic Voyage" film was made as a public service with sponsorship by the Smithsonian Air and Space museum. On DVD, borrowed from my local public library, it plays at just over 30 minutes with Morgan Freeman supplying a pleasing narrative. As one would expect from an IMAX film, the image quality is superb and the Dolby 5.1 sound track is very well done. Simulated cosmic explosions shake your walls! That is, if you have a good powered subwoofer in your system. The film takes a very useful approach to examining the size of the universe, from tiny sub-atomic particles to the vastness of the whole universe. (Fortunately, when God created the Universe he had dispatched a few angels with video cameras at different vantage points so we get to see actual footage from several billion years ago.) The film starts in Venice, where the discovery of the telescope originated, and uses a one-meter hoop as a reference point, then gradually goes larger by powers of 10, e.g. 10 meters, 100, 1000, etc until we can see the whole universe. Then it takes the opposite journey, going smaller by powers of 10 until be see inside sub-atomic particles. The story is well-woven with beautiful effects created especially for this film. It is entertaining and educational at the same time. All of "oldsters" can enjoy it for the scientific history we are already familiar with, and all the "youngsters" can enjoy it for the educational supplement it provides. Overall a masterful film. Any numerical "rating" of "Cosmic Voyage" is meaningless. If one is looking for a superb film about our universe and modern theories of its formation, this one is hard to beat. Kudos to IMAX and to the Air and Space Museum. 肉眼只能看见穹苍一角。凝视夜空,但见繁星点点,偶尔一颗流星划破夜空,但你可曾看见恒星死亡前的最后爆发?瞪视双手,你或会看见点点尘垢,但你又可曾看见组成皮肤的原子在颤动?因为眼不能见,我们只能纵驰想像,去探索这个深邃广阔的宇宙。 本片获第六十九届奥斯卡金像奖最佳纪录短片提名.
罗莎里奥·道森,凯文·哈特,加布里埃尔·尤尼恩,本·沃伦,乌比·戈德堡,克里斯·洛克,杰瑞·宋飞,罗曼尼·马尔可,崔西·摩根,Hayley Marie Norman,J·B·斯穆夫,塞德里克·凯尔斯,雪莉·谢波德,克劳黛特·拉利,亚当·桑德勒
片中洛克饰演安德雷·艾伦,因搞笑脱口秀而走红,通过出演欢脱无脑的电影(扮成一只棕熊)跻身好莱坞,即将与一位真人秀女星结婚。未婚妻希望将他们的婚礼在她的真人秀节目中直播,经理人则告诉他这样会损害他的形象和事业,降低身价。 同时,一位《纽约时报》记者(罗莎里奥·道森饰)的采访,她那些诸如“你怎么不搞笑了呢?”之类的尖锐问题,则迫使他重新审视自己的过去,自己的生活和事业。两人在朝夕相处之间,似乎也生出不一样的情愫。
查瑞丝玛·卡朋特,布莱斯·德雷珀,Morgan Obenreder,迈克尔·蒙克斯,丹尼尔·鲍德温,Andy T. Tran,Mark McClain Wilson,Hayley McLaughlin,诺尔·亚瑟,Steffinnie Phrommany,Steve Suh,Cedric Scott,Lyndsay Haldorson,Heather Paige Cohn,泰瑞尔·欧文斯
Hayley Mills,Eli Wallach,Pola Negri
【愛琴海歷險記】(The Moon-Spinners)是迪士尼1964年在美國戲院推出上映的電影,是一部充滿浪漫與冒險的作品。 【愛琴海歷險記】此一題材是改拍自 Mary Stewart 的同名小說,故事則是發生在希臘的克里特島上,一位名叫 Nikky Ferris 的英國少女和她的 Frances 姑姑來到島上度假,卻意外被捲入一場珠寶竊案。她們所居住的旅館主人與兄長有一些糾紛,而這位兄長乃是一位珠寶大盜 Stratos ,Nikky 意外救了一為英國青年 Mark,而與大盜 Stratos 結上樑子,於是開始展開一連串的追逐,由風車到地窖,再到愛琴海上的遊艇追逐,他們共同面對這些緊張刺激的歷險。本片在愛琴海沿岸實地拍攝,片中呈現出動人的南歐海濱風情,光是影片取景就頗有可看性。
阿曼达·克鲁,安娜琳·麦考德,罗伯特·帕特里克,金·德莱尼,凯莎·卡斯特-休伊斯,内尔森·富兰克林,Johnny Pemberton,塔特·艾灵顿,Hayley Marie Norman,罗尼·吉恩·贝尔维斯,Danny Ramirez,Gigi Zumbado,Shane Brady,Dianna Miranda,Pia Shah
A woman goes to the countryside to spend a quiet weekend after losing her job and having her last complicated relationship implode. She rents a country house to an old-fashioned widower, who struggles to hide his pyschopatic tendencies.
阿黛莱德·凯恩,卢克·威尔逊,考德·欧威尔斯特利特,马特·麦考伊,琳达·珀儿,多特-玛丽·琼斯,乔恩·拉威茨,奥利弗·库珀,卡罗琳·赫尼塞,奥莉维亚·库尔普,莱斯莉·斯特拉顿,埃里克·迈克尔·科尔,E·E·贝尔,Natalia Janoszek,Maria Breese,Joshua Uduma,亚历山大·维舍尔鲍默,King Orba,Boni Mata,Hayley Amber Smith,Paul Piercy,Lola Sandra