豆瓣 9.3
1"South Island"July 18, 2011 Bear Grylls must fling himself out of a plane and parachute to safety to reach this remote area. Crossing the country's highest mountain range and starting a fire in a waterlogged forest are just some of the unpredictable things he faces in this terrain. 2"Fire And Ice"July 25, 2011 Bear Grylls is dropped on an ice cap covering an active volcano. In blizzard conditions he struggles to make headway, and the barren land offers little food. Can he reach civilization when faced with swollen river crossings and ever present flash floods? 3"Red Rock Country"    August 12, 2011 Bear Grylls is in red rock country - southern Utah. Armed only with a lasso, he descends a rock pinnacle and gets trapped in a narrow gorge. Crossing an arid wilderness, he's left hanging 100 ft above a ravine. And Bear's craziest airplane stunt ever! 4"Land of The Maori"August 19, 2011 Over 100 people drown each year in New Zealand, and Bear must cross a raging river on a tree trunk to head toward civilization. On his journey to safety he runs out of water, is forced to climb up active volcanic ranges and scale down a waterfall. 5"Working the Wild"November 29, 2011 Bear Grylls takes the viewer behind the scenes to meet the crew that follows his every step. Whether he's jumping from helicopters or eating the unimaginable, the camera is never far away from the action. Now the crew gets to tell their side of the story.
豆瓣 9.5
贝尔·格里尔斯,戴夫·皮尔斯,Danny Cane,Simon Reay
《荒野求生秘技》(Man vs. Wild)又称《荒野求生》,是美国探索频道制作的一档写实电视节目,由英国冒险家贝尔·格里尔斯主持,每集他会走到沙漠、沼泽、森林、峡谷等危险的野外境地,在极为恶劣的环境下,为脱离险境,设法寻找回到文明社会的路径。

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