查理·辛,林赛·克洛斯,理查德·希夫,Shane,罗恩·西维尔,特丽·波洛,Phyllis Applegate,Alan Coates,莱昂·里皮,巴迪·乔·胡克,Javier Morga,Tony T. Johnson,Catalina Botello,Georg Lillitsch,大卫·比利亚尔潘多
赞恩(查理·辛 Charlie Sheen 饰)个性腼腆又不善交际,一心扑在事业上的他是一名外太空文明发烧友。一次偶然中,赞恩接收到了一个神秘的信号,根据多年的研究经验,赞恩立刻就发现,这个信号的发送者是外星人。兴奋的赞恩将收集到的情报汇报给了上司,可是上司并不相信平日里看似疯疯癫癫的赞恩。无奈之下,赞恩决定自己展开调查。 追寻着信号波,赞恩来到了墨西哥的郊外,在那里,他结识了名为伊莲娜(林赛·克洛斯 Lindsay Crouse 饰)的女科学家,两人携手作战,很快就发现了一个惊人的消息——信号的发射地并非外星,而是地球内部,也就是说,在地球上,生活着伪装成为人类的外星人,它们的目的只有一个,那就是通过改变气候使人类灭亡。
Betsey Brown,Phillip Andre Botello,Noah Lepawsky
Follows Roscoe, a seedy motel maintenance man, after discovering some powerful hallucinogenic worms he meets Benny, They fall in love making worms together before embarking on an odyssey of sex and violence.
迭戈·卡尔瓦,Eduardo Eliseo Martinez,Shvasti Calderón,Oscar Mario Botello,Gabriel Casanova
Best friends and lovers Miguel and Johnny have known each other since childhood. They spend their time skateboarding with their friends in throbbing Mexico City where they sell their own blood and get donors for the ER black market as a way to make money. But when an important transaction goes wrong, Miguel’s mother sends him out of the country. Away from Johnny, Miguel will find the path to his own destiny.